Your computer is not very different from your body. It tends to slow down with age. It also needs more care as it gets older. The good news is that like your body, regular preventive maintenance and proper care of your computer ensures that it remains more efficient and less prone to break downs.
Since the first part of any treatment is diagnosis, we begin by analyzing the symptoms displayed by your computer. If your computer suddenly suffers from a dramatic slow down, this should ring a bell.
This could be a sign of malware infections, which could be as bad as its name sounds. Not only do they slow down your PC, but they have a tendency to spread quickly and cause errors thereby disrupting the normal functioning of your computer. The common names of these enemies are Viruses, Trojans, Adware and Spyware. They attack your computer while riding on an external media such as CD, pen drives and external hard disks. They are like those infections that enter our human body through food, air or water.
The most effective medicines for these infections are popular antivirus and antispyware tools. In order to be effective, you should use them regularly to scan your computer. This will help in detecting not only the existing infections and eliminating them, but will act as an effective deterrence for any fresh attack of infections. You also need to take some time to keep your tools updated with the latest definitions so that your system is protected from new enemies which keep cropping up in the computer world.
Clean The Vital Parts of Your Computer:
This essentially involves taking care of two important parts which have an impact on the efficiency of your computer:
a) Registry
While your computer is working hard to perform the tasks assigned by you, a critical part of your computer called the registry may come under a lot of stress. The primary function of the registry is to act as a storage space for information about the configuration of the software which is installed in your computer. When new software is installed in your computer, some of this data is stored in registry. Similarly, when you uninstall software, the data is supposed to be removed from the registry. However, sometimes data gets left behind thereby causing registry errors or a general slow-down of accessing information from the registry. This leads to the manifestation of visible symptoms like the slowing down of your computer.
Regular scanning and cleaning of your registry by a reliable registry cleaner acts as a primary mode for treating this problem and for avoiding future occurrences. Additionally, whenever you need to uninstall Norton or any other large software, it is advisable that you follow up the uninstallation process with a registry scan and cleanup using a good registry cleaner tool.
b) Hard Disk
The hard disk is one of the most vital organs of the computer. It tends to get cluttered by unwanted folders and files over a period of time. The cluttering may happen faster if you frequently install and uninstall a lot of programs from your PC. This has an adverse effect on the health of a hard disk and your system’s performance may deteriorate rapidly.
To counter this problem and to detoxify your hard disk, you can use three popular tools:
- A reliable third-party program uninstaller to keep your system free from unwanted programs.
- A Disk Cleanup tool to clean up unwanted data.
- Disk Defragmenter to consolidate the fragmented files on your hard disk and increase data access speed.
Following these simple guidelines will ensure that your computer has a healthy and long life! Also, the next time you encounter a friend sighing “My computer is slow”, you can pass these heath tips to them
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